The SAPTAKAM, international artproject with digital artworks of 7 international digital artists.

Fine Art Prints, Kunstdrucke & Grußkarten



> Saptakam-Bildfeld

Was ist Digitale Kunst?

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Abstrakt Geometrisch

Abstrakte Kunst

Abstrakte Fraktal Kunst

Digitale 3D-Kunst

Digital Mixed Media


Copyright und Nutzungsbeingungen

The 6th Digital Artfield titled “Beauty” by Karin Kuhlmann, as part of the Artproject “Saptakam” from 2002, which comprised on the whole 7 Artfields, created by Hans Georg Türstig,  (USA), Ingrid Kamerbek (Germany), Hans Dieter Grossmann (Germany), Shankar Barua (India),
Parys Saint Martin (Australia), Karin Kuhlmann (germany) and Wayne J. Cosshall (Australia).

Digital netart, the 6th artfield started by Karin Kuhlmann

Digital netart, the 6th artfield started by Karin Kuhlmann

Digital netart, the 6th artfield started by Karin Kuhlmann

Beauty-B, by Karin Kuhlmann, Germany is derived from Beauty A.

Original: Beauty-A,
by Karin Kuhlmann, Germany

Beauty-C, by Karin Kuhlmann, Germany is derived from Beauty A.

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Wayne Cosshall

Beauty-D by
Wayne J. Cosshall

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Ingrid Kamerbeek

Beauty-H, by
Ingrid Kamerbeek,

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Ingrid Kamerbeek

Beauty-I, by
Ingrid Kamerbeek

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Wayne Cosshall

Beauty-E, by
Wayne J. Cosshall

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Dieter Grossmann

Beauty-J, by
Dieter Grossmann

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Dieter Grossmann

Beauty-K, by
Dieter Grossmann

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Hans-Georg Tuerstig

Beauty-F, by
Hans-Georg Türstig

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Shankar Barua

Beauty-L, by
Shankar Barua

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Shankar Barua

Beauty-M, by
Shankar Barua

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Hans-Georg Tuerstig

Beauty-G, by
Hans-Georg Türstig

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Parys St. Martin

Beauty-N, by
Parys St. Martin

Digital netart, the 6th artfield contribution by Parys St. Martin

Beauty-O, by
Parys St. Martin

© Alle Original Bilder (Werke der Digital Kunst) und Texte dieser Website unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Ohne ausdrückliche Erlaubnis der Künstlerin Karin Kuhlmann dürfen sie weder heruntergeladen, gespeichert und weiterbearbeitet, noch in irgendeiner Form für andere Websites oder Drucke jedweder Form verwendet werden. Lesen Sie hierzu bitte auch die Copyright und Nutzungsbedingungen.
Text Autor: Karin Kuhlmann